Sports Medicine & Performance

Athletic Training

The Chapin School employs three full-time Athletic Trainers. They are healthcare and board-certified professionals who work under the direction of physicians, as prescribed by state licensure statute. They help maintain the health and safety of our students through prevention of injuries, emergency care, evaluation of injuries, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation.

Chapin’s Director of Health Services is also available to assist students and student-athletes. The Athletic Trainers work closely with the Director of Health Services to ensure the best treatment is given when an injury occurs. Our ATs are available to see student-athletes during the school day by appointment and before and after practices/competitions in the afternoon.

Questions? Contact our Athletic Training Team. 

Tamara Xu, Head Athletic Trainer
Jenny Plasencia, Athletic Trainer

Concussion Information

NYS law requires that students who sustained, or are suspected of having sustained, a concussion during athletic activities (interscholastic sports) are to be immediately removed from such activities. Such students may not return to athletic activities (interscholastic sports) until they have been symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours and have been evaluated by and received written and signed authorization to return to activities from a duly licensed physician.

The Chapin School Concussion Protocol explains in detail how academic and athletic responsibilities are monitored once a student is diagnosed with a concussion.

Chapin’s main concern is the health and wellness of our students. When a student is diagnosed with a concussion, all academic work and athletic participation is put on hold until the student is symptom free and cleared by the physician/neurologist. To return to full athletic participation, the student must pass a return to play physical exertion test, conducted by a Chapin Athletic Trainer.

Resources for Concussions:

Athletic Training Room

Sports Performance

The core focus of the sports performance program at Chapin is to support our student-athletes both mentally and physically. Chapin's Fitness Instructors oversee our strength and conditioning program and monitors the mental health and well-being of our student-athletes. 

The goal of the strength and conditioning program is to reduce the potential for injury and increase athletic performance. Student-athletes are offered programs and workouts in-season and during the off-season. 

Resources for Health & Wellness:

Sway Concussion Testing

The Sway System combines objective balance and cognitive measures to support healthcare professionals in performing accurate and informed evaluations.  Sway pioneered mobile balance testing with patented technology that uses nothing more than the mobile sensors built in to everyday devices. Sway allows healthcare professionals to administer a medical grade balance test in virtually any setting. The Sway System allows our ATs to accurately assess cognitive function with quick and easy tests of visual processing, reaction time and memory. With Sway’s patented technology, ATs get a quick snap shot of key cognitive measures in any practice or competition venue. 

All students are required to take the baseline Sway test every two years starting in Class 5.