Middle School
The academic program in Chapin's Middle School is designed to help students develop the skills, habits and discipline of strong students and self-directed learners. In all classes, primary emphasis is placed on the process of learning and on the development of essential skills. Chapin’s Middle School teachers understand the developmental needs of their students and design classrooms and curriculum in ways that support and inspire them. This includes an interdisciplinary humanities program that focuses on developing reading, writing and study skills and a homeroom program that provides students with support and structure.
The Class 4 and 5 programs are designed to allow for a gradual transition from the self-contained Lower School environment to a departmentalized Upper School. As the students move up to Classes 6 and 7, they remain active both inside and outside the classroom through overnight school trips, Chapin’s 1-1 laptop program for students in Classes 6-12, athletics and service-learning opportunities.
Our students leave Middle School with the skills and confidence necessary to succeed in Upper School, and with the desire and commitment to become active members of the larger community.