2023-2024 marked another year of fabulous Chapin drama performances! Following Upper School’s impressive rendition of “As You Like It” by William Shakespeare this winter, Class 7 students staged the first spring show.
“Space Princess Wars,” written by Don Zolidis, opened on May 9. A comedic blend of Star Wars and The Princess Bride, the show features an array of heroes, villains, robots and princesses. (Mr. Zolidis also wrote Upper School’s fall production, “The Bugs,” and visited Chapin in early May for a meet and greet with actors from both divisions!)
The following week, our Upper School students debuted “Into the Woods” in the Assembly Room. A musical that weaves together stories of classic fairy tales into something new, “Into the Woods” asks its audience to consider the true meaning of ‘happily ever after.’
In between long rehearsals in the Black Box Theater, Middle School actors and members of our US build crew also spent time in the Hayot Center for Innovation, where they built, painted and designed set pieces and props to help bring their respective worlds to life.
Thank you to US Director and Musical Director Elizabeth Adler, US choreographer Lynette Engel, Technical Director and Set Designer Robert Thaxton-Stevenson and MS Director Lindsay Quinn for your steadfast leadership and guidance.
Congratulations to all of our participating students on spectacular shows!
Class 7 Cast
Alex Love
Anna Charles Ellis
Audrey Phillips
Claudia Morcate-Martin
Courtney Pellegrino
Izzy Emrich
Julia Ropiak-Emmanuel
Leela Dilmaghani
Lola Lee
Matilda Party
Raquel Merrill
Sam Ko
Upper School Ensemble
CB Black
Evan Blake
Annabelle Borsyani
Kaitlyn Davis
Hayden del Valle
Jayden Hall
Teddy Hirschhorn
Cate Izmirly
Summer Love
Giana Manning-Gold
Evangeline Mujica
Tabitha Orange
Alessandra Jael Poso
Aleah Rosenberg
Emma Sawabini
Miriam Syoum
Katherine Willinge
Stage Manager: Fauziah Uddin
Run Crew: Rashelle Lopez Gomez, Isabella Saenz, Monroe Sawney, Cammyla Villegas-Vernet, Lucia Villegas-Vernet
Build Crew: Nora Adekoye, Emani Babb, YeonWoo Cho, Rashelle Lopez Gomez, Jade Mena, Isabella Saenz, Monroe Sawney, Cammyla Villegas-Vernet, Lucia Villegas-Vernet, Katherine Yoseloff, Haley Zhang, Cindy Zhao