Chapin’s Drama Department boasted two spectacular shows this month! From November 13-16, twelve Upper School actors performed in “Metamorphoses,” a show written and originally directed by Mary Zimmerman, based on the poem of the same name by Ovid.
The Assembly Room (AR) was transformed through the work of our talented US Build Crew. Extending into the audience was a large square stage bordering a smaller, diamond-shaped stage – built entirely by the student team under the guidance of Mr. Thaxton-Stevenson. The space in between glowed with a blue hue to represent water throughout the show. A bright blue sky with fluffy white clouds hung a few feet behind on the main AR stage.
Through a vignette style, “Metamorphoses” dramatizes several of Ovid’s myths of humanity. The audience clung to every word watching the students’ dynamic and engaging performances depicting Gods (King Midas, Orpheus and Eurydice, and Zeus to name a few) and mortals alike.
The following week, our Class 7 actors debuted “Where Words Once Were” by Finegan Kruckemeyer in the Black Box Theater. A powerful play about the impact of words and using your voice, the piece is set in a dystopian time where language is limited and new words are banned. But what happens when the young protagonist, Orhan, discovers that words can change the world?
Our actors of all ages were fantastic – delivering their lines with power and precision – thanks to hard work, ample preparation and the guidance and support of our expert team of Sarah Bellantoni (Head of Lower School Arts & Integration), Lindsay Quinn (Head of Middle School Arts & Integration) and Robert Thaxton-Stevenson (Technical Director and Production Manager). Congratulations to all!
Upper School Cast
Lexi Blackston
Kaitlyn Davis
Cel Deaton
Izzy Emrich
Zoe Jones
Lola Lee
Giana Manning-Gold
Claudia Marcate-Martin
Matilda Party
Olivia Phanord
Aleah Rosenberg
Emma Sawabini
Class 7 Cast
Lilly-May Bittner |
Axya Ofosu-Mensah |
Jojo Charles |
Lily Ostrover |
Lucy Corcoran |
Sasha Park |
Mahdiya Faiza |
Riya Pherwani |
Lyric Hoenig |
Meher Sablok |
Claudia Kim |
Georgia Steib |
Elise Lee |
Nandi Tiwary |
Katrusia McPeek |
Arabella Yim O'Shaughnessy |
Nina Murray |
Diana Zollar |