Lower School Math in Motion

Lower School Math in Motion

This fall, in an inspiring example of arts-integrated learning, Kindergarten and Class 1 students physicalized concepts they had explored in math through the art of dance. Inspired by conversations between Lower School Dance teacher Susan Strong and Director of Lower School Teaching and Learning Leia Yongvanich, these collaborative projects allowed students to compromise and problem-solve in small groups while bringing their math knowledge into motion.

“The projects were successful because the students brought with them a rich understanding of and confidence in the various math concepts,” noted Ms. Strong. “Watching them use movement as a tool to help deepen, strengthen, and display their knowledge was extremely rewarding.” Learn more about the projects below.


Kindergarten students used colorful, lightweight scarves to connect their bodies and form different shapes, creating original choreography that demonstrated their understanding of geometry. As the small groups brainstormed ideas, Ms. Strong was close at hand to remind them of the importance of angles, sides and size. Students were encouraged to incorporate basic positioning (over, under, in between) and patterns, resulting in beautiful dances they performed for their teachers and classmates.

Watch one group's performance below:

Class 1:

After exploring number bonds in their math classes (breaking a number into parts equal to the whole, e.g. 4 can be broken up into two sets of 2 or 3 and 1), Class 1 students choreographed dances demonstrating the concept in a visually pleasing way. By taking into account dance elements such as pattern making, level changing, use of space, and stillness, the groups creatively split apart and came together in performances that truly brought number bonds to life.

Watch one group's performance below:

Browse photos from both classes below: